I’m Elin Hazel
I’m based in South Wales and I’m a practising witch and illustrator.
My Beliefs
I started on my journey after the passing of a close relative, it hit me hard and had me questioning a lot of things about my beliefs. I suppose you could say I grew up a Christian and in my teens became an atheist, however, I could never shake the feeling that there was always something else. I didn’t believe in god or one singular god but I felt that there was entity or deity that we could call on such as the universe or Mother nature, this is where I discovered Pantheism and Wicca, which was the start of my spiritual journey.
My beliefs have evolved over the years, I very much believe in animism, that all living things have a spirit, and that the universe itself is also a divine entity that we can work with.
My practice
I work a lot with energies rather than deities and I work mostly with sigils, candles, crystals and tarot.