Glamour Magic
Traditionally Glamour magic was a type of magic that had the ability to change your appearance or change the way people see you. Of course, this isn't actually the case unless you live in a Hollywood film, however, Glamour magic as I see it is a way to help you feel better about yourself. This type of magic will have different meanings to different people and of course, will be practiced in different ways.
It can be used to help to manifest your desires or as a way to help you feel better about yourself, this can be done using make-up, oils, crystals, and talismans. Glamours can be layered so if you have charmed a couple of pieces of jewellery that you've charmed you can wear them together
Glamour magic itself isn't meant to be a form of protection magic but it can be used alongside it, for example, you can charm a piece of jewellery to use as a charm or for shielding.
Types of glamour magic
Beauty Magic - this can be a beauty ritual or charming some make up
Fashion Magic - this can be wearing something that makes you feel confident or good about yourself, or you can incorporate colour magic.
Talisman - this can involve charming jewellery or creating a charm that you carry with you.
My go to make up items to charm are lip sticks
There are examples of Glamour magic being used or at least referenced through history, especially in myths and legends where an old crone type character would create a spell to make them younger. There are ancient spells that believed that you could honey for everlasting life, and roses for beauty just to name a couple.
It's believed that the word Glamour originated around about 1720 from the Scottish word 'gramarye'.
Make-up and other beauty rituals can be traced back to the sumerians and even the Egyptians.
Examples of glamour magic in folklore include the story of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who uses glamour magic to help make herself more beautiful and appealing to mortals, and in Celtic myth Morgan le Fay would use glamour magic to change her appearance.
How I use Glamour Magic
I use Glamour magic mainly for self-confidence and self-love, these are things I struggle with the most. My go to and probably only bit of make-up I wear is lipstick and it's the one thing that makes me feel good about myself, so I charm my lipsticks to give me confidence.
For protection I will always charm an item of jewellery, this does vary depending on what I'm wearing but it's usually a ring, bracelet, or necklace.
When it comes to glamour magic the most important thing to remember is intention and self power
Make up Charm
Choose the item(s) that you wish to use and cleanse them of all previous energies.
Holding these items (can be together or individually) sit and focus on your intention, for example, lipstick for communication, foundation for confidence and mascara to make you feel awake and ready for the day.
You could say something like ‘this lipstick makes me communicate better’ say what feels right for you.
Once you feel that they have been charged add them in to your daily routine
You can also use crystals and sigils to help charge your make-up items and help add power to your intention.
Skin Care Ritual
Start by cleansing your skin, think of all the things that you wish to let go of and imagine that they are being wiped away.
Next is to apply any serums, creams or what you prefer to use, as you massage the cream into the skin focus on your intention and say out loud (or in your head if you wish) your intention, this could be ‘I radiate confidence’.
Just like with the make-up you can use crystals and sigils to add power to your intention.