Spirit Communication
As it’s spooky season I wanted to do a couple of blog posts looking at spirits, communication and my own experiences.
At this time of year, the veil between our world and the spirit world begins to thin, the veil is at its thinnest on Samhain (October 31st) and it’s at this time of year that more people try to communicate with spirits.
There are several different ways to communicate with the other side, whether that’s via a medium or using technology. Communicating with spirits isn’t something new, in fact, there are records dating back hundred if not thousands of years of people trying to find proof of the other side.
mediumship grew in popularity with the rise of spiritulism during the 19th century. Now whilst some people do have genuine abilities there were many people during this time, and still to this day, who were proven to be fraudsters. There are different types of mediums but they generally come under 1 of 2 types
Mental Mediums - these people can tune in a sense the spirit world through sound, or by seeing spirits.
Physical Mediums - these people can produce materialisations of spirits, this can be through knocking, bell ringing or producing ectoplasm (which has long been debunked).
The most common form of mediumship today are mental mediums and there are many different categories that are under this, a few examples include
Clairvoyance - the ability to see anything that isn’t physically present, through the mind’s eye.
Clairaudience - the ability to hear the voices of the spirits
Clairsentinence - the ability to take on the ailments of the spirit.
Ouija Board
This first appeared in the 19th century with the rise of spiritualism, it was common for people to hold seances and try to talk to spirits. As spiritualism grew people wanted quicker ways to talk to the spirits rather than waiting for a knock or a bang, so in 1886 the fledging associated press introduced the ‘Talking Board’.
The name Ouija came a few years after the board was introduced, one theory is that it is a mash up of the French word ‘Oui’ and the German word ‘Ja’.
A pendulum is a weighted object, such as a crystal, that hangs from a chain. This tool is mainly used in divination but can be used for spirit communication, this method can be quite limiting as you can only ask yes or no questions. The pendulum acts as a receiver for the energies to use, it can tap into your own intuition and can connect to you on a spiritual level.
Over the past few years, there has been a big influx in technology created for spirit communication, these include spirit boxes, rem pods, ovilus, there are even apps you can now download onto your phone to turn into a spirit box.
Digital voice recorders are also a popular method to try and record EVP (Electronic voice phenomenon) and it gives you the chance to talk to the spirit and get a direct answer.