Talismans & Amulets
Talismans and Amulets are very similar to one another though each one serves a different purpose.
A talisman is an object that is either found or created that is charged with either magical or religious intent that can help with luck, healing or in some cases they can be made to cause harm to someone. There are many examples of Talismans from all over the world and they can be found throughout history.
There are a few different types of talismans,
Premade - these are exactly what they say on the time, these are premade and can be purchased and then you charge them with your own intention.
Found item - you may have found an object out on a walk, such as a stone or a shell, that you wish to turn into a talisman, or it could be a piece of jewellery that you wish to use.
Traditional - this type of talisman is one that you have made from scratch.
Did you know that during the medieval period it wasn’t unheard of for medical professionals to actually prescribe a talisman to someone, this was used for things like trying to conceive a child.
An Amulet is an object that is created to provide protection to someone, they can be called good luck charms, just like a talisman, amulets can be found all across the world throughout history. For thousands of years, people have created amulets out of things such as stones, shells and, animal bones to help to protect themselves from evil. These were considered to be infused with the powers of the gods or other supernatural beings, this is what made them so powerful.
Lots of things can be used as amulets, such as
Animal parts
Written words or chants
One of the most famous amulets that comes to mind has to be the Nazar, which is an amulet that resembles a blue eye, that can protect you from the evil eye.
Making a Talisman or Amulet
Cleanse your space and the objects you will be using to get rid of any residual energy.
create a sigil that represents your intention and place this on your space.
place the object on top of the sigil so that it can aid in charging it. (you may also wish to use herbs, oils, crystals or any other correspondences as well)
ground yourself and sit with your talisman or amulet, focus on your intention, picture your energy flowing from you into your object.
once it’s charged it’s ready to use.
Remember that a talisman or amulet is only as powerful as the energy that’s put into it, so it’s best to charge it every so often to make sure that it keeps working.