
Astragalomancy, also known as cubomancy, is the art of divination using dice. It is a great way to practice divination if you are a closet witch. This type of divination falls under the umbrella of Cleromancy, the term used for divination practiced by throwing things such as bones, dice, charms, etc.

The term astragalomancy comes from the Greek word ‘astragalos’ meaning ‘dice’.

The art of throwing dice and bones for divination has been around for thousands of years. In Ancient Greece, they would consult ‘dice oracles’ and the Tibetan cultures have dice divination traditions.


There are several different methods to throw and read the dice, the most common is to throw the dice in a circle and to use the standard 6-sided dice.

  • First draw a circle in which to throw your dice

  • hold the dice in your hands and focus on your question

  • shake the dice with your eyes closed

  • throw the dice within the circle, any dice that lands outside the circle are ignored

Interpreting the dice

  • One - Period of solitude or tension

  • Two - Things may not be what they seem

  • Three - Good Luck

  • Four - Temporary setback

  • Five - New beginnings

  • Six - Someone may want to take advantage

  • Seven - Conflict, someone maybe spreading lies

  • Eight - Take care of yourself

  • Nine - New relationships

  • Ten - New opportunities

  • Eleven - Setbacks or sad news

  • Twelve - May face some problems

  • Thirteen - Inner strength

  • Fourteen - Social events

  • Fifteen - Changes in alliances/friendships

  • Sixteen - Unexpected travel

  • Seventeen - Take chances

  • Eighteen - Achievement of your goals

Yes or No Method

You can use the dice to ask simple yes or no questions

  • Yes - Odd numbers

  • No - Even numbers

If the dice lands outside the circle it can be read as Maybe.

One Dice interpretation

This method only uses one dice and is good for straightforward answers.

  • One - Not right now

  • Two - yes as long as you are honest

  • Three - Not the right time

  • Four - As long as you are careful

  • Five - Take chances

  • Six - Yes as long as you mean it


Cartomancy - Divination with Playing Cards