Binding and Banishing

When it comes to getting rid of negativity in your life the first thing you're going to want to do is a banishing spell. Sometimes this may not be the best option and a binding spell may actually work better. 

So how do you choose?


A banishing spell is exactly that it banishes something from your life altogether. It’s mainly used on non-physical entities, emotions, objects, shadow work etc. However, you can use them to say goodbye to someone that you want out of your life.

Remember though that by banishing someone or something from your life you will also lose them/it, so you need to be sure that you are ready and willing for that loss, whether it's temporary or permanent.

If banishing isn't going to be the best option and say you want to banish a person because of their behaviour, but you are still going to have to encounter them a binding may be the better option.


In some cases, a binding spell may actually be the better option. A binding isn't necessarily a negative thing, it can be a positive thing as you are preventing someone or something from causing harm to you and/or other people.

Unlike a banishing a binding means that the person or thing would still be around in your day-to-day life but what they are doing to cause harm will be bound.

I personally do bindings as a form of protection, to stop someone's actions from hurting either myself or someone I know.

Binding isn't a new form of magic and can be traced back through history. Ne of the most famous binding spells was done by a group of witches in 1941 to stop Hitler from invading Britain.




Ghosts and Spirits