Candle Magic
Candle magic is probably the simplest form of magic, it can be as fancy or simplistic as you want it to be. All you need is a Candle and an intention.
The first thing is to decide what spell you wish to cast, is it a banishing, protection or maybe for some luck, then it's time to choose the colour to suit your intention, for example -
Black - banishing, binding, endings
White - purification, healing, balance, protection
silver - awareness, divination, healing
Red - strength, passion, conquering fear
Orange - abundance, confidence, creativity
Yellow - happiness, friendship, wisdom
Green - luck, prosperity, money
Blue - protection, relaxation, inspiration
Purple - spiritual development, enlightenment, overcoming
Pink - acceptance, self love, compassion,
Brown - grounding, harmony, endurance
Gold - prosperity, positivity, wealth.
Don't worry if you don't have coloured candles, you can use a plain white candle in place of a coloured candle.
these are the 3 types of candles I use, from the left small spell candle, the middle is a standard spell candle and on the right is what I call a ritual candle.
Types of Candle
There are a couple of different types you can use from large candles with a long burn to something as small as a birthday candle, just consider what the spell is for and how long you want the spell to work for. I tend to use large candles for recurring spells and for workings that I do over a few days, but if I'm doing a one off spell I will use a spell candle which has a burn time of about 1 hour.
If you are a closeted witch or someone who can't really burn candles for long you can use birthday candles, they work exactly the same as other spell candles and they burn really quick.
It's best to try and use a new candle for each spell rather than one that's been pre burned (such as a decorative candle) so that the energy is for that spell and that spell alone. However if you can't use a new candle a pre-burned one can work, just remember to cleanse it of all previous energies first.
A sigil carved into a ritual candle
Dressing a candle
This is something that I believe is optional because not everyone is able to use oils and herbs to dress a candle, so if you don't have access to this don't panic (it's not something I do). However if it's something you want to do then read on.
First choose the appropriate oils and herbs (or just an oils) for the intention of your candle, if you want to use herbs powdered may work better. Take the dropper from the oil or pour a small drop into your hand and rub it onto your candle,
If you are banishing or binding I tend to rub the oil from the bottom to the top, so I'm sending it away
if you are drawing something in I rub the oil top to bottom, so I'm attracting it.
If you add herbs, roll the oiled candle into the herbs to make them stick to the candle.
this is my preferred method and that is to carve a sigil or word into the candle. Take a sharp (not too sharp) tool and carefully carve the sigil or word into the candle, again focusing on the intention as you do this.
Burning the candle
So there are a couple of different methods to activate the spell,
Write your intention onto a piece of paper (coloured paper if you can if not white is fine) and then place one corner into the flame to let it burn, make sure this is done in a fire sage container and away from anything flammable.
Now the above isn't always possible for a lot of people (me included) so you can place the paper underneath the candle instead.
The method I prefer the most is to carve my intention into the candle, this can be either a sigil or a word,
I think the most important thing to remember is to do what feels right and works best for you.