Banishing Spell
For this spell you will need -
Black Candle
Carving tool
cleansing oil or vinegar (optional)
An important note -
Don’t perform a banishing when you are angry as you could unintentionally turn the spell into a curse.
The first thing you need to do is focus on who or what you want to banish and picture them as clearly as possible.
Still focusing on the person or thing, carve the name of the person or thing you want to banish into the candle. If you are banishing a person focus on what they have done or are doing to you that you would like to banish.
Once you have carved the name/word/sigil into the candle you can dress it with the oil or vinegar, remembering to apply the oil away from you, so rub the oil from the bottom to the top of the candle.
Place the candle in a holder, make sure it’s away from anything flammable. As you light the candle focus on the intention.
Sit with the candle for a while and focus on the intention, imagine it being pulled into the flame, If you wish, you can say a chant or a small speech as the flame burns.
Once the candle has burnt down you can dispose of the waste, either by flushing it or throwing it away.
If you are like me using a large candle let it burn until you feel like a weight has been lifted or for a set amount of time and then blow out the candle. I like to imagine the person or thing I’m banishing being carried away with the smoke. Place the candle somewhere safe ready for your next banishing session.